Fue Hair Transplant
Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure used to treat baldness or hair loss.
Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure used to treat baldness or hair loss. The process includes removing hair follicles from one part of the body (such as the back of the head) which is referred to as the 'donor site', to a bald or balding part of the body (such as the top of the head) known as the 'recipient site'.
FUE hair transplant surgery is also performed for cosmetic purposes on men (rarely on women) who suffer from significant hair loss, thinning hair, or bald spots where hair no longer grows. In the case of men, hair loss is more common and is mainly due to genetic factors. For women on the other hand, hair loss is often caused by hormonal changes.
Here are several methods in which a desired result can be achieved following a hair transplantation. The most effective transplantation method will always depend on the hair structure of a particular patient.
Hair transplantation uses 2 main techniques. Unlike the FUT method, which leaves a large scar on the back of the patient’s head, using new methods we can now transplant your hair without shaving it and with no risk of leaving a scar.
FUE Hair Transplant
The FUE treatment is one of the newest and most modern procedures in Turkey and around the world.
Hair roots are extracted from the donor area at the back of the head, which are then subsequently implanted into the thinning or balding areas of the head. A very natural result can be achieved thanks to this new method.
Before the follicular extraction operation is done, the hair on the donor area is first shortened to 1 2mm. Local anesthesia is then applied on the area of extraction and transplantation. A machine called a micro motor tip is connected to the center of the hair root and depending on the development angle, the hair is pricked into the skin and pulled back. The hair is cut in a cylinder shape together with the surrounding microscopic tissue. The follicular unit gently pulled by a micro forceps. This automated system which reduces the graft waste to minimum also reduces the operation time and increases the number of grafts. The collected follicular units are placed into tiny holes on the hairless skin.
Benefits FUE
- On the area where the grafts are extracted, the tissue is not extracted but only the related root cell is extracted
- No cut and stitches on the extraction area
- In one session, depending on the condition of the donor area and the number of roots to be transplanted, 3.000 to 5.000 grafts can be extracted
- Depending on the gathered number of roots as well as the patients baldness, it is possible to transplant 50 to 60 hair roots per square centimeters
- There is also less pain after the operation and the short recovery period is one of the reasons why this method is preferred
Frequently asked questions
Hair loss can affect both men and women. While FUE hair transplant is more popular among men, it is also a method widely utilized for women experiencing male pattern hair loss.
In order for a hair transplant procedure to be successfully performed, individual follicular units are extracted from the patient’s donor area and are then transplanted into areas where the patient desires more hair. If someone else’s hair is implanted in your body, your body is likely to consider it as a foreign element and will naturally reject it. In addition, if the severity of hair loss is high and you are experiencing lack of adequate donor hair, then it is probable that a FUE hair transplant will not be the best option for you.
Usually patients between the ages of 20 and 55 are considered as the most suitable candidates for a hair transplant surgery. At a younger age, hair loss and hair growth pattern can be irregular and hair loss may continue to worsen as you get older. As time goes by, you may have to undergo more procedures. As long as you are in good health there is no upper-age limit for hair transplantation.
Within a few weeks after the operation you may notice some hair loss from the new transplanted area. The transplanted hair will begin to grow again after the inital shedding phase and it will take up to 12-14 months for new hair follicles to grow back strong and healthy.