How Should Lasik Surgery Eye Care Be Handled?
Eye care following Lasik surgery is crucial to a speedy recovery. The following are some general recommendations for eye care following Lasik surgery. However, each patient may have different recommendations and instructions, so it's critical to always follow your doctor's advice.
Glasses and Glasses Situations: For the first few days following surgery, your eyes will be sensitive. Wearing sunglasses during this time will shield your eyes from harsh light. In addition, your doctor may advise you to wear safety glasses while sleeping to prevent the possibility of accidently touching or damaging your eyes.
Itching and Rubbing: Although your eyes may itch, you should never touch them. Rubbing can cause injury to the flap, which is a thin layer of tissue.
Tear Drops and Medication: To address dry eyes after surgery, your doctor may prescribe artificial tear drops. To prevent infection and relieve swelling, antibiotic and anti-inflammatory drops may be administered. Use these drops as frequently and for as long as your doctor advises.
Regular Exams: Following surgery, you should visit the controls at the intervals recommended by your doctor. This normally comprises one day, one week, one month, and three months after surgery, however these dates may vary depending on your doctor.
Make-up and Eye Products: It is advised that you do not wear make-up or apply any cosmetic product to your eyes for the first week following surgery.
When Washing Your Face, Use Caution: Avoid getting soap or shampoo in your eyes. Sports and Activities: During the healing phase, avoid strenuous exercise and water (swimming, jacuzzi, etc.). Get your doctor's consent before beginning any contact sports.
Protect Your Eyes: For the first few weeks, avoid dusty settings, wind, and direct sunshine.
Symptoms: Contact your doctor immediately if you detect significant redness, pain, loss of vision, or any other abnormal symptoms in your eyes.